granum株式会社(以下「当社」という。)は、東京からイノベーションを巻き起こすことを目指し、国内外からスタートアップやその支援者が集い、交流する一大拠点”Tokyo Innovation Base”の起業支援プログラム『TIB STUDIO』に採択されたことをご報告いたします。支援事業者のmoreTOKYO株式会社と共に、ボツワナにて、スキルシェアサービス-Tankiii-の展開に注力していきます。
■ granum(グラナム)株式会社について
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granum Co., Ltd (granum) is pleased to announce that it has been selected for the "TIB STUDIO" entrepreneurial support program of the "Tokyo Innovation Base," a major hub where startups and their supporters from Japan and overseas gather and interact, with the aim of sparking innovation from Tokyo. Together with supporter moreTOKYO Inc., we will focus on developing the skill-sharing service - Tankiii - in Botswana.
■ about granum Co., Ltd
With the growing tech industry in Botswana we at granum have created a website to help create part time jobs as we fight the current rise of unemployment and lack of jobs. Many people are looking for work as cleaners, plumbers and etc.
The current situation is that demand and supply do not match as there are limited platforms for such, so in order to improve this situation, we developed a skill sharing services website called Tankiii that matches service providers such as cleaners/babysitters/gardeners/plumbers/maintainers/carpenters/hairdressers and etc with service seekers, then we released the alpha version.
The aim is to create a website that creates a virtuous cycle where clients can find reliable workers through star ratings and review comments, with this system workers can be motivated to get good reviews by working diligently, which will bring them more work.
Company name: granum Co., Ltd
Representative: Hideo Amezawa
Establishment: Jan/2023